Trust; The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something.

Wisdom; The ability to judge correctly and follow the best course of action, it is knowing what to do, and when to do it.

Trusted Wisdom


Special Needs Families

Ad moiorem Dei gloriam

Latin; “For the greater glory of GOD”

Meet Richard Taylor

I have spent 35 years in the commercial real estate industry. During that time, I learned to navigate complex circumstances and logistical roadblocks to achieve the goal that I was pursuing.

 In 2023, I founded TRUSTED, and bring to the table those years of experience and the attitude required to achieve the desired results.

 The mission statement of TRUSTED is to assist families or individuals with special needs in securing the benefits they deserve.

Guided by faith in Jesus Christ, and the support of my wife Morgan, TRUSTED is here to help you.

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